Why Reclaim the Watershed

Get Involved

Watershed Associations are "grass roots" organizations and therefore rely on member input and efforts to achieve goals. If you are interested in helping to restore Beech Creek and its Watershed, why not become involved by helping to build and strengthen the organization, do assessments to identify watershed problems, help with planning, and facilitate restoration efforts. The Beech Creek Watershed has many serious problems to be addressed. By working together and with resource people from agencies, organizations, institutions, and government, the BCWA will be in a better position to achieve its vision for the Beech Creek Watershed.

If you are interested in helping to restore, preserve and protect Beech Creek and its Watershed, we would like to have you as a member of the Beech Creek Watershed Association.

How to Join

You can print out our membership form (available here), fill it out and mail it, with a check for the amount of the BCWA membership category you choose, to:

BCWA Treasurer
PO Box 286
Mill Hall, PA 17751

You can write to the BCWA Treasurer (at the above address) and request that a membership brochure be mailed to you